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Chapter X with Michael Kay

Jul 26, 2023

At just 35 years old, Colin Kingsmill had already ticked off every box on his life's checklist. He had it all: education, a great lifestyle, the perfect location, and a successful career. Yet, as he stood amidst his accomplishments, an unexpected feeling washed over him: emptiness. It made him question the true meaning...

Jul 19, 2023

Imagine a life where each step, every lesson, and every ounce of wisdom transforms you into a fulfilled, empowered individual. Now, envision yourself not just as a recipient of life's experiences, but as a role model and a beacon of inspiration for your children and grandchildren.


Today, we have a guest whose insights...

Jul 12, 2023

Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling that something in your life is amiss, leaving you feeling unsettled or even miserable? Well, you’re not alone. According to Lion Goodman, it could be attributed to what he calls "transparent beliefs" that we unknowingly operate through.


As a professional coach, author,...

Jul 5, 2023

Don't let a lifetime of learning, knowledge, and experience fade away. Whether you’re driven to shape your legacy or ignite hope in others, writing a book is a fantastic means of leaving your mark on the world.


Today’s guest, Nancy Erickson, is an author coach and owner of The Book Professor® and Stonebrook...