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Chapter X with Michael Kay

Dec 29, 2021

This week on the Chapter X podcast, Richard Eisenberg joins us for another bonus episode with more timely resources and the latest insights from Next Avenue. However, today is a special interview as it marks Richard’s entry into his own Chapter X. 


Not only will we discuss highlights from upcoming stories at Next...

Dec 22, 2021

Bern Terry had worked successfully for more than 40 years when he was suddenly laid off early into the pandemic. By a twist of fate, he reconnected with Anna Hall only days after losing his job.


When Anna revealed that she was busy working on a new project, he was intrigued. She was in the process of building The...

Dec 15, 2021

Every person has a story that matters. We all have different backgrounds, perspectives, and life lessons. We’ve all lived through experiences that could benefit the lives of others too, if we share them.


One of the goals of Chapter X is to foster human connection. In this episode, we’re joined by  master...

Dec 8, 2021

With a longer life expectancy than humans have ever experienced before, retirement today is about much more than money. But a challenge we face during this transition is living in a culture that worships youth and disparages the elder. 


That is part of the reason why there has been little guidance for those of us...

Dec 1, 2021

We already know fitness is good for us. What many of us don’t know is that a specific type of workout can actually slow down the aging process. In fact, you might be surprised to learn what is still physically possible as we age. 


Today I’m speaking with Eric Levitan. Prior to leaving Corporate America, he spent...