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Chapter X with Michael Kay

Sep 30, 2020

The pursuit of happiness is ingrained in our culture. We spend our lives searching for fulfillment and meaning, but is making ourselves happy a realistic goal?


According to today’s guest, happiness is a byproduct of living with meaning and purpose. I’m speaking with Harry Scheyer in this episode. Through his...

Sep 23, 2020

How do you determine when it’s the right time to give notice and head into the next chapter of life? When it comes down to it, there’s no right or wrong age to move on from the workforce. 

In this episode, I’m speaking with Barry Farber, who is a professor of psychology and education at Columbia Teachers College....

Sep 23, 2020

Retirement isn’t always a choice. Some people are forced into the decision, while others eagerly wait for the opportunity to leave an unhappy career. 


But then there are those who leave work behind on their own terms. Today’s guest is Ron LaRosa, a friend of mine who has triumphantly retired to a life that...

Sep 23, 2020

It’s easy to look back on our lives and recognize the events that brought us to where we are today. How can we apply that same level of thinking to the next chapter in life? That’s the theme we’ll explore in today’s episode.


It’s an honor to have our next guest on the show. Meir Statman, Ph.D is a professor...

Sep 13, 2020

No matter where you are on the journey to shifting away from work, the reality is the next phase of life is unknown. My guest today, Marty Kanengiser, is an inspiration in his willingness to embrace new challenges in this transition.


As childhood friends, Marty and I recently reconnected after all of these decades....