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Chapter X with Michael Kay

Jan 27, 2021

In America, we’re taught that a good life is a happy life. Many of us have spent the core of our adult lives chasing success and happiness, but does accomplishing more really make us happier?

Perhaps there is another path to wellbeing that’s deeper and far more fulfilling. In this episode, author Emily Esfahani...

Jan 20, 2021

Are you still hungry to learn? Lifelong learners never settle for the status quo or staying inside their comfort zone. They’re constantly evolving to figure out what fulfillment means to them. 


Today you’ll hear from a special guest who’s learning how to squeeze as much as possible out of life's...

Jan 13, 2021

While change is the last thing we want in life, major transitions always have a way of catching up to us. But why do we try so hard to fight change? 


It’s not that change is bad. Quite simply, dealing with life transitions like Chapter X is disruptive and challenging because it forces us to let go of the familiar....

Jan 6, 2021

When it comes to your health, the reality is your blood pressure check isn’t enough. But the good news is there are plenty of small actions we can take every day so that we feel better — and never settle for less when it comes to our own wellbeing. 


The more you embrace maintaining good health, the better...