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Chapter X with Michael Kay

Apr 27, 2022

“Toughen up. Be a man. Don’t be so sensitive.”   As a young boy, these are some of the messages you might have heard. Society tells us that men are supposed to be strong, successful and never show emotion. 


It’s time to challenge the stigma that men can’t be sensitive. If you have a tendency to pick up on...

Apr 20, 2022

Play isn’t just for children, it’s also an important part of adulthood.


On this week’s show, I’m joined by a man who has built a truly one-of-a-kind community for adults to rediscover their natural inner child’s playfulness, creativity, and need for social connection. 


Mike Montague is the speaker, writer...

Apr 13, 2022

Our modern world emphasizes a need for change. Yet when we have major disruptions in our lives, we seek routine and structure. Why is that?


On this week’s show, I’m joined by a guest who reminds us how important routines are for living a life with deeper meaning. Angel Iscovich is a philosopher who happened to be...

Apr 6, 2022

Keith Renninson built up a successful career in the financial services industry for more than two decades until he hit a midlife crisis. After realizing he wasn’t satisfied with where his life and career were headed, Keith decided to travel alone to the Himalayas to find himself again.


As he landed, terrible...